Simple & opensource system with retro/cyberpunk UI

Release 1.0 is out!!
Random guy using smartwatch


No phone synchronisation or phone app is required. CyberWatch OS is standalone operating system for smartwatch! Date and time with multiple watch faces (inspired by cassette futurism and cyberpunk). Features like step counter, stop watch, simple calendar... Adding features on weekly basis!
Stay tuned (-:

CyberWatch OS sample code

Open source

Whole code (including build tools & scripts) is public on GitHub, so everyone could look inside code. No secrets, no hidden spying, no undercover actions. You can see with your own eyes. Have you some tips to improve code? Or wanna join and write own features? Found some errors and wanna fix them?

CyberWatch OS watch face example

Cool UI

Inspired by casette futurism (80' TV shows like Knight Rider) and cyberpunk. Simple UI only with necessary informations and controls. Trying not to overload user with data. Easy to command by touch or swipe. Created with digital watches nostalgia. Multiple weatchfaces and many many more will come.